Last Sunday, March 8th, we blessed Peyton at church. It was a wonderful day and Casey did a great job. It was a little sad to not have any family with us but it was the only Sunday in the first 6 months of Peyton's life that Casey would be able to make it to church!!! The poor thing only got home from a road trip at 4 a.m. that morning. Here are some pics:
Ellie continues to be the most hilarious person I know. We rarely ever have the radio on in the car mostly because even though it's March she INSISTS on still listening to Christmas music! Haha... The other reason is that there's no such thing as a "clean" or "radio" edit of songs... They play the real deal here. But it's amazing how she picks up songs she's only even heard a few times. Her current favorite song is Lady Gaga's "Poker Face." It came on the other day and she sang almost every word!!! So today it came on and Casey was driving so I actually got to watch her. Not only does she sing the words, but she ACTS it out!! When it got to the "my-my-my poker face, my-my poker face..." part, she kept jabbing herself in the cheek. I began to wonder what in the world was wrong with my 2-year-old until it dawned on me... "Poker Face" to Ellie equals "POKE HER FACE!!!!!!!" LOL!!! Casey and I were crying laughing! I am going to try to get her to do it on video and post it... it really is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. LOVE that little girl!!!
Ellie is also very multilingual these days. From kindergarten (preschool), she now speaks more German than I do! She can count to ten, etc. and it's adorable. That is until she gets mad at me... I'm not kidding. When she is REALLY mad at me, she yells at me in German!!! LOL. I can't even stay mad at her when she looks at me and yells, "NEIN!!!" She also loves the show "Go Diego, Go!" Yesterday she was trying to get a toy out from the closet but got stuck. She started to panic a bit and yells, "Mommy, ¡ayúdeme! ¡ayúdeme!" This little one is just too much...